Is giving through the Community Foundation right for your clients?
As a lawyer, CPA, broker or investment advisor, you can help your clients realize their charitable objectives by listening for charitable giving opportunities, explaining options and suggesting solutions.
The Community Foundation of St. Clair County can help you meet the needs of your clients. There is NO CHARGE for our service.
Since the Foundation is structured to benefit most nonprofit organizations, you can suggest donating through the Community Foundation without appearing to favor any one particular charity.
What is an Endowed Fund?
Almost all of the funds at the Community Foundation are endowed. This means that the principal amount of the fund (usually the gifts received from the donor) is generally considered restricted and is intended to last forever.
Grants are made from available earnings and/or appreciation based on investment returns and the Foundation's Spending Policy. Grants are generally not made by dipping into the general principal of the fund, except in unusual or extraordinary circumstances as determined by the Foundation, or unless the donor gives explicit permission to do so.