Our Funds


Arts & Culture

Supporting Arts & Culture continues to be one of the priority areas of the Community Foundation. The Foundation provides significant annual support to the Port Huron Museum, International Symphony Orchestra and Studio 1219. Learn more & view list of funds »


Community and Nonprofits

The Community Foundation realizes that partnerships and collaboration are the most efficient way to maximize our impact. These funds address a wide range of issues, but all have the same common element - partnerships. Learn more & view list of funds »



The education of our youth is truly a worthwhile investment in our future. Donors may choose to support education through the establishment of a scholarship fund, or a broader education fund to provide financial support back to the schools in their community. Learn more & view list of funds »


Faith-Based Giving

Faith-based giving has long been an important component of philanthropy. Through the Eastern Michigan Christian Foundation, along with several other funds, donors have the opportunity to support a variety of local faith-based organizations. Learn more & view list of funds »

SC4 Foundation Scholarships

The SC4 Foundation has partnered with the Community Foundation of St. Clair County for administration of its charitable funds. Learn more & view list of funds »


Scholarship Funds

The Community Foundation of St. Clair County administers a variety of scholarship funds. The scholarship funds were established by individuals and organizations wanting to assist students in obtaining a college or vocational education. Learn more & view list of funds »



St. Clair County has a strong and proud history. Today's senior citizens are a diverse group of individuals and a valuable asset in our community. The Foundation is supportive of programs that enrich the lives of our seniors and benefit from their experience and expertise. Learn more & view list of funds »



Youth continues to be a priority area for the Foundation. Providing programs that support and encourage positive youth development is an essential investment in the bright future of St. Clair County. Learn more & view list of funds »

Additional Information

Confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations

Community Foundation of St. Clair County
Community Foundation of St. Clair County 500 Water St.Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 984-4761 Fax (810) 984-3394

Community Foundation of St Clair is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. EIN 38-1872132

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