Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program


The Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program was brought forward by members of the St. Clair County Allied Veterans Council (comprised of delegates representing 16 veteran posts throughout the county), the St. Clair County Department of Veteran Affairs, and an elite student leadership class project from Croswell – Lexington High School as a way to honor our community’s military heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to their country and promote civic pride in our community..

St. Clair County has over 550 service members who died in service to their country from World War I to the current gulf war conflict. The Community Banners will feature the fallen heroes’ photograph, rank, name, branch of service, war conflict, age, and city in which they resided.  These beautiful, patriotic banners will be displayed one week prior to and one week after Memorial Day each year.

The concept for the Banner Program initially came from Waynesboro, Pennsylvania; small farming community has banners honoring the memory of fallen or missing-in-action service members which are mounted on light poles in downtown Waynesboro during the weeks surrounding Memorial Day. 

Banner Program Focus

To obtain photographs for of over 550 fallen heroes.  If you are a family member or know of a friend or a neighbor who died in service to their country, please call the Banner Message Line at (810) 985-2007 or E-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  to schedule an appointment to have a photograph scanned.

Banner Program Guidelines & Advisors


• Banners must be dedicated to service members from a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces who died in service to their country from World War I to the current gulf war conflict who resided in cities/townships across St. Clair County.

• Service members must have been graduates or former students of a school district within St. Clair County, or a prior resident or property owner, or a native of cities/townships in St. Clair County.

• Family members or relatives must provide original or good condition photographs of service members in their military uniform or their senior high school picture.  If no photograph can be provided, the Department of Defense Military Service Seal will be used.

NOTE: Banner Program Guidelines are subject to changed based on development of the program.


Nancy Deising, BS, CHES®, Program Advisor and Outreach Coordinator for the St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs
Ed Weichsler, Program Advisor and U.S. Air Force Veteran


The Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program is a fund held at the Community Foundation of St. Clair County and is supported principally by community members.

Donate online to the Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program below or send a check to the Community Foundation of St. Clair County,  500 Water Street, Port Huron, MI 48060 with Banner Program Fund noted on the memo line.

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Community Foundation of St. Clair County
Community Foundation of St. Clair County 500 Water St.Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 984-4761 Fax (810) 984-3394

Community Foundation of St Clair is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. EIN 38-1872132

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