1st Quarter Grants Press Release

Posted on March 27, 2007

At its first board meeting of 2007 today, the Community Foundation of St. Clair County approved $326,000 in new grants and scholarships.

According to Chuck Kelly, Foundation Chairman, “This first quarter puts us well on our way to awarding at least another $1,000,000 this year in total grants.” Mr. Kelly added that this is the first granting cycle under the Foundation’s new Strategic Priorities, and several of the grants reflect those areas.

Among the grants approved under Economic & Community Development were:

  • $25,000 to the City of St. Clair DDA to support their new business recruitment program called Come to St. Clair.
  • $11,270 to the Marine City Chamber of Commerce to support their Creating Entrepreneurial Communities Program
  • $30,000 as previously announced by the Youth Council for the new Child Abuse & Neglect Council’s Child Advocacy Center
  • $65,253 from the Walter K. Brooks Fund and $24,431 from the John Dolan Fund to support the 2007 operations of the Port Huron Museum
  • $15,000 combined from the James C. Acheson Fund, Youth Fund and Women’s Initiative to support the upcoming Grossology exhibit at the Port Huron Museum
  • $23,000 from the Thomas and Frances Treleaven Fund to support the operations of the Council on Aging

Mr. Kelly added that the Foundation expects significant additional dollars to be invested within the new priority areas as the year progresses. “It will take a bit longer to ramp up our investments in the areas of Education and the Arts”, said Kelly. At the Foundation’s December meeting in 2006 the Board approved the Strategic Priorities of:

  • Economic & Community Development
  • Education
  • Arts & Culture

These Priority Areas were determined based on the feedback of donors, community leaders, other nonprofit organizations and partners of the Community Foundation. Other grants approved by the Foundation include:

  • $15,000 from the Ernest & Barbara Oskin Fund to support the purchase of a new digital mammography machine by St. John River District Hospital
  • $15,000 to Algonac Elementary for their Algonac Elementary Neighborhood Project
  • $5,000 from the Supporters of East China Schools for special programs and projects within the East China Schools
  • $22,000 in scholarships from the Father Donald Bartone Fund for students at Holy Cross School in Marine City and the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit

The Community Foundation of St. Clair County is the 12th largest community foundation in Michigan, with total assets exceeding $32,000,000 in over 100 different endowment funds.

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Community Foundation of St. Clair County
Community Foundation of St. Clair County 500 Water St.Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 984-4761 Fax (810) 984-3394

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