Donor Spotlight: McCartan & Weiss

Posted on November 19, 2019

As we approach the season of giving, we are thankful for all of our donors and want to spotlight Mike and Helen McCartan and Marty and Melanie Weiss who support the programs and services of the Community Foundation.

Mike and Helen McCartan have been involved with the Community Foundation for many years as committee members, Mike as a former Board member, and as generous donors. They describe their favorite part of the Foundation’s work as promoting people and places. “That focus brings people together to support projects which enhance the community. From education to the waterfront to economic development, the Foundation has the ability to bring the best and brightest together to work on projects throughout the community, which contributes to the enrichment of all our citizens,” said Mike.

Given all of the work that the Foundation champions, it is important to remember that you can support the Community Foundation programs and services directly. Mike and Helen said, “The Community Foundation has an infrastructure that ensures accountability for donors’ dollars and they have earned a reputation as a leader in the community, which holds itself and others to high standards. We have a trust that the funds collected will be put to good and appropriate use.”

When considering a gift directly to the Community Foundation, Helen said, “Donors’ dollars will be used in a way that will have the most significant impact on the community.” From planning to implementation, the Foundation has been responsible for the success of numerous community projects. Mike added, “The Community Foundation Board has diverse representation and represents a broad spectrum of interests. Needs are high and resources scarce. So it’s crucial to have the Foundation’s oversight and due diligence in the distribution of funds.” The Foundation plays a key role in ensuring maximum return on the investment of donor resources, both human and financial.

Long time donors, community leaders, and friends of the Foundation, Marty and Melanie Weiss added, “We support the Community Foundation directly and we encourage others to join in doing the same. We do so because they have the knowledge and expertise to properly and fairly evaluate the charitable needs of our community, and the Foundation needs your support to be able to continue their work.”

The generosity of Community Foundation donors have helped to build a better community for the past 75 years and we appreciate your consideration to keep the good work going. Your gift will help the Foundation continue to make bold investments in people and place.

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Community Foundation of St. Clair County
Community Foundation of St. Clair County 500 Water St.Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 984-4761 Fax (810) 984-3394

Community Foundation of St Clair is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. EIN 38-1872132

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