Scholarship FAQs

Posted on February 12, 2020

The Community Foundation and SC4 Foundation is currently accepting scholarship applications. Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions to help you get started.

The online application portal will close March 15.

Do I have to reapply if I received a Community Foundation or SC4 Foundation scholarship last year?

Yes, the majority of scholarships are one-time awards. If you have received a renewable scholarship you will be notified by the Foundation in January and instructed to reapply.

Is it possible to apply for Community Foundation and SC4 Foundation scholarships at the same time?

Yes. The Community Foundation uses one common application via the online portal. Students planning on attending SC4 can unlock both by selecting the community college during the pre-qualifying questions.

How do I get an application started?

Answer the pre-qualifying questions completely and honestly. This will generate a list of scholarship funds for which you are eligible. Check mark all that appear and create your profile. Returning students will log in to your existing profile.

Once you answer the pre-qualifying questions and start an application you do not need to answer them again. Doing so will only create duplicate applications. Instead resume your application via the Student Dashboard.

What if I can’t remember my username or password for the online scholarship portal?

If you are having issues logging in, please contact Audrey Sochor for help at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 810-984-4761.

Are scholarships available for current college students?

Some scholarships are available for current college students. Students are always encouraged to answer the pre-qualify questions when the application portal is open to help determine what is available.

Is an unofficial transcript of my grades OK?

College students – An unofficial transcript or internet printout of your transcript is acceptable as long as it is a complete transcript of your college work to date, is clearly labeled with your name, current academic year, your cumulative grade point average, and the name of the college or university.

High school seniors – your complete transcript, including: your first semester senior-year grades, cumulative grade point average, SAT score, and class rank is required.

How do I find my SAT/ACT test scores?

An older student trying to track down ACT, SAT, Accuplacer or COMPASS test scores for the required upload may contact the testing center at their college or university, or reach out to the high school from which they graduated as test scores are part of a student’s permanent record.

More recent high school graduates may log into their profile on the SAT or ACT website if the test scores are not already listed on a transcript.

When will I find out if I have been awarded a scholarship?

All applicants are notified of award decisions via email by the end of May. Some recipients may also be notified during award ceremonies, but it is important to check email because if you are approved an acceptance link is included. 

May I receive scholarships from more than one fund?

Occasionally a student may be selected to receive a scholarship from more than one Community Foundation or SC4 Foundation scholarship fund. However, this is the exception rather than the rule.

If I am awarded a scholarship, how is it paid?

Checks are made payable to and mailed directly to the college after you have returned the required scholarship acceptance paperwork, thank you note and photo. This is usually by early July.

What can these scholarships be used for, and are they taxable?

These awards may be applied to expenses built into a college’s cost of attendance. Tuition, fees and books are nontaxable. If a student has other gift aid that covers those expenses it may then be used for taxable expenses such as room and board, and the college will issue a 1098-T to the student. 

If I receive an award, is it important to send the donor a thank you note?

Absolutely! These awards are generous gifts from donors and should be acknowledged as such. All thank you cards are gathered at the Community Foundation office and given to the individual donors who read and cherish them.


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